Counseling Department
As the School Counselor at Bridgeport High School, my job is to direct students in planning for what lies beyond their high school days as well as provide guidance and support for their personal-social interests and concerns. The district also contracts with local agencies to provide additional mental health support. Belmont County Student Services provides a Social Worker two times a week and we have a
licensed Therapist in house from Southeast Healthcare. Together, these professionals and myself are available to provide the social and emotional support for our students. During the course of the students high school experience I will be meeting with them to discuss their goals and help to guide them in developing their post-secondary plans. These plans must include parent involvement. Students will develop this plan in the 9th grade and during the next three years, will re-visit, assess and alter as needed.
According to Ohio's Strategic plan, our goal is to see that each child is "challenged to discover and learn, prepared to pursue a fulfilling post-high school path and empowered to become a lifelong learner who contributes to society. " Together, we can reach these goals for our students.
If I can be of any help please don't hesitate to contact me at 1-740-635-0853 ext. 1070 GO DOGS!
High School Graduation Requirements
Starting with the class of 2023, the State of Ohio has revamped what it takes to obtain a diploma. Please see the 2023 graduation worksheet.docx to understand these requirements. I have also posted a video that will explain these in more depth.
College Credit Plus
Any student in grades 7-12,who meets the qualifications may take college credits while still in middle or high school. Students would be able to complete credits towards a high school diploma as well as a college degree. If it is your intention to have your child participate you MUST submit a Letter of Intent to Participate form to the district by April 1 of the school year.
Starting with the 22-23 school year, courses from Belmont College will be taught in house by our staff. We are excited to offer this opportunity to our students. Please contact Mrs. Falcone in the high school if you have any more questions. The district handbook for CCP can be found on the right side of this page.
CCP courses can include ANY college that the child meets eligibility requirements. If you contact Mrs. Falcone she can provide further information on CCP.
College Application Process
Seniors need to hit the ground running as they start the year out! As a general rule, applications should be completed by December 1st to be considered for any merit scholarships from the college. Seniors are allowed 3 College visits during the school year. They must complete a "Pre-Arranged Absence Form" prior to visiting. They can be found outside my office. Most applications are completed online. Students should email me so I can forward a copy of their transcript.
Qualifying for College Admission
A college preparatory curriculum should include the following courses for admission
English: 4 Credits
Math: 4 Credits (Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II) Pre-Calc or Above Algebra II
Science: 4 Credits including science with a lab
Social Studies: 3 Credits
Foreign Language: 2 or more Credits
Fine Arts: 1 credit
Computer Tech: 1 or more Credits
ACT/SAT: Students will take the ACT their Junior year. I suggest they take it again before their senior year.
All students are encouraged to exceed the minimum number of college preparatory credits required for admission. Students who choose a rigorous high school curriculum will more likely be successful in college.
There are two types of scholarships available to our seniors. One type is distributed from various community organizations and is received sporadically throughout the school year. The other type is associated with our Academic Program. The applications for these scholarships are distrubuted each year around January. Seniors must take the opportunity to complete the applications and return them to the Counselling Department by the deadlines.
ACT Test given at Bridgeport High School
All juniors in the State of Ohio will take the ACT test at the high school in the spring. This is an official test and there is no charge for the student. The test offered at the school is for juniors only.
ACT also schedules national test dates for students to take the test. The dates can be found on their website. There is a link on the right side of this page you can use to register. The school code for Bridgeport High School is 360-590. Be sure to include this so your test results will be sent to us. Also, if you qualify for free/reduced lunch you are eligible to take the test twice for free. You MUST have picture ID to take the test and print out your ticket with your pic on it. If you need any help go see Mrs. Falcone! Stop in the Counseling Office for more information.
Student Athletes
If your student is planning to participate in NCAA Division I or II athletics, he/she will have to register with the NCAA Clearinghouse at A transcript and ACT scores will be sent to the NCAA Clearinghouse at the time the student registers. A final transcript will be sent in June.
Financial Aid
If this is your first child going to college the financial aid process can be a little daunting! The Counseling office provides opportunities for you to get help in filling this out. The FAFSA is completed online and includes information that is taken from your income tax forms. FAFSA applications for the following school year are open to submit on October 1st of each year.
What if College Isn't for your Child?
As many of you already know, there are many job opportunities that do not require a four year college degree. There are quite a few training programs within the Ohio Valley which can lead to good paying jobs and careers. The influx in the gas and oil industry in our area is an example of an industry that is frantically in need of a skilled workforce. Locally you can contact Project Best in Wheeling WV and they can provide you with information on local apprenticeship programs. They can be reached at 1-304-214-9800. A link to their website is provided also.
Job and Career resource
This link at the right will take you to the Ohio Means Jobs Website. This site is provided by the state of Ohio and gives a variety of tools for children and adults alike. It is a "one-stop" site that provides career assessments, college searches, resume building, test practice and available jobs to name a few.
Mrs. Falcone will be introducing this site to the students to provide them a resource for career planning. This site has many resources for anyone who is looking for a career change or a job.
Exchange StudentsBridgeport High School often hosts students from other countries to complete a year of high school in the United States. If you would be interested in hosting an exchange student for next school year, please contact the School Counseling Office.